Allow user to automatically estimate time it will take to complete a task
User can utilize LLM to estimate how long task and sub-task will take (day and due date) and select how aggressive they want their due date
User Interface
- accessed when user adds new task or subtask
- 3 dots next to the input text field
- dropdown that shows estimate icon
- arrow to show another dropdown with the following options
- Aggressive (25% faster) - Show label “Recommended”
- Default (normal time)
- Slow (25% slower)
- Once option is selected task will be estimated / calculated as days
- due date that is generated by AI will show the following in red
- Send prompt to OpenAI
- Prompt:
- You are a [job_title] with [x] years of experience in [work_type], based on [estimate_option] calculate how long it would take to complete [task_name] in days
- Receive the estimated day
- Use the estimated days to calculate due date
- current day + estimated days = due date
- If user has sub-tasks calculate each sub-task and aggregate total days and due date into top-level task