💡 High-level strategic decisions around communication to IDT customer base
The following document will provide details around I done this comms strategy and how best to approach our customers
Approach / Values
- We will always educate our customer base on productivity
- We won't spam them with too much messaging
- We want a casual but professional voice
Comm Types / Frequency
- Broadcast (one-off) - TBD and can happen when needed
- Product updates (2-weeks) - If our velocity is predictable from dev, we can update every 2 weeks
- Newsletter / educational content (1 week) - Productivity hacks and content can be sent on a weekly basis for anyone who opts-in
- Transactional (anytime) - Anything related to product / in-app comms (ie: credit card expiring, log your tasks)
- Reengagement (based on RFM) - Define dropoff / cold user and send comms to restart their service (ie: looks like you lost some productivity this week, let's get back in....)
Start with the customer
We will utilize the RFM segmentation framework, which looks at 3 categories (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary) to determine several segmentations and targeted/personalized messaging